This project is completely independent and self funded at the moment.  I usually travel alone and every trip I take comes with a fair share of risks and sacrifices.
If you would like to help out or contribute in any way to facilitate the completion of the project you can 🤗




1- Make a donation

Any financial help received will mainly go towards hiring fixers and translators that  will help me with safety and communication issues and will facilitate  collecting the stories of the women I photograph. If you would like to make a donation scan the QR or click the button below.

SCAN this code with your phone camera to maker a donation it will send you straight to paypal.

*If you use paypal please make your donation as "family and friends" NOT as "service or product"

or CLICK the Donation button here

it will send you straight to paypal.


2- Help on location 

If you live in one of the countries I'll be shooting in and want to help out with showing me around, translate, introducing me to people that would like to be involved shoot me an email


3- Be part of QUEST FOR BEAUTY

If you or someone you know have an interesting story related to beauty, or you'd simply like to partecipate leave me a message here.


4- Share away!

Share this project with people you know might appreciate it. Do you know any journalists that might be interested in writing about the project? Spread the word, share it on your your social medias or tell your friends all about it!


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